
The Facilitator Meeting of the İzmir Industrial Symbiosis Project was held at the İzmir Development Agency. A presentation was made by the Green Growth Policies Unit on the work carried out within the scope of the project and the collaborations that have been implemented to...

🚀Start in İzmir is stepping up to the entrepreneurship ecosystem! Established under the "Start in İzmir" brand with the aim of introducing, branding, coordinating, and internationalizing the İzmir entrepreneurship ecosystem, the platform will be introduced to the entrepreneurship ecosystem with its renewed interface on Thursday, March...

The İzmir Industrial Symbiosis Project, conducted by the İzmir Development Agency, has provided support to four researchers within the scope of the TÜBİTAK 2211-C Domestic Priority Areas Doctoral Scholarship Program. The supported theses focus on the application of the industrial symbiosis approach in many sectors...

Organized in partnership with İzmir Development Agency and Teknopark İzmir, Accelerate İzmir, which also includes "GreenTech İzmir" and "BlueTech İzmir" entrepreneur acceleration programs this year, held its 3rd Meeting Day. The event, which aims to develop İzmir's innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, started with opening speeches. After...

The Wind Energy Meteorology and Environmental Test and Analysis Center (RÜZMER) project, which is supported by the İzmir Development Agency as a guided project, has started to bear fruit with the cooperation protocol signed between İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and Turkish Wind Energy Association...

"İzmir Gaming Ecosystem Needs Analysis Workshop" organized by İzmir Development Agency for the gaming industry was held. In the workshop, which was attended by game developers and complementary actors of the game industry, what needs to be done to develop the game industry in İzmir was...

A delegation consisting of representatives from the Uganda Parliament visited the İzmir Development Agency. During the visit, a presentation introducing the Agency's institutional structure, activities, and investment opportunities in İzmir was delivered to the delegation. The meeting also included discussions on strategies and practices developed...