
The Investment Support Office of the İzmir Development Agency participated in the first workshop held under the South Marmara Hydrogen Coast and HYSouthMarmara Project. In the session titled "Potential Hydrogen Valleys in Türkiye” evaluations regarding İzmir's vision in the field of clean hydrogen were presented. [gallery size="full"...

The İzmir Development Agency has initiated the Northern İzmir Spatial Development Perspective (KUZİP) study to comprehensively address Northern İzmir, which is experiencing rapid growth due to its strategic location, proximity to critical transportation infrastructure, strengthening port ecosystem and ongoing investments aimed at establishing existing and...

The B2B-Speednetwork Workshop was organized within the scope of the İzmir Industrial Symbiosis Project carried out by the İzmir Development Agency. During the workshop 66 bilateral meetings were held to strengthen communication among the companies registered in the industrial symbiosis system and to discuss new...

The Northern İzmir Spatial Development Perspective (KUZİP) study was initiated by the İzmir Development Agency with a focus on the districts of Aliağa, Bergama, Dikili and Kınık to address the northern development axis of İzmir in a comprehensive manner. The study aims to create a...

İzmir Development Agency participated in Heritage Istanbul, the International Conservation, Restoration, Archaeology, Museology and Librarianship Fair and Conference organized to bring the cultural and historical richness of our country to the agenda of the country and the world, to ensure the protection of cultural assets...