Innovation and Entrepreneurship

We aim to develop technology entrepreneurship, especially green and blue entrepreneurship in Izmir, to brand the Izmir entrepreneurship ecosystem, and to develop the capacity to produce technology and innovation in high value-added sectors in the region.


Analysis of Creative Industries at NUTS-2 Regions Level

It has been prepared to highlight Izmir’s position, strengths and development potential in the creative industries sectors and to demonstrate the contribution of these sectors to the economic development of the city.

Izmir Digital Transformation Center Roadmap

It was prepared to determine the digital maturity levels of companies in Izmir and to provide a strategic framework for the Digital Transformation Center planned to be established in Izmir.


Start in İzmir

Through the “Start in Izmir” platform, which aims to be the meeting point of Izmir’s entrepreneurship ecosystem, you can access Izmir’s entrepreneurship agenda from a single address, as well as opportunities to collaborate with ecosystem actors.


Click here to access Start in Izmir.

Data İzmir

It was established to strengthen data-driven policy-making in Izmir, expand the spatial information infrastructure, and support the policy design and decision-making processes of regional actors.

Digital Transformation Studies

Facilitating mechanisms for digitalization efforts in the region are being developed to create collaborations to support digital transformation efforts in Izmir.



Digital Maturity Assessment Tool

The platform, which was created to guide companies in their digitalization processes, enables companies to have information about their digital maturity levels in line with their own observations and approaches.

Click here to access the Digital Maturity Level Determination Tool.

AgrInnovate EDIH

In order to support the green and digital transformation of SMEs and public institutions, the European Digital Innovation Center (EIDC) will be established in Izmir with the aim of including all regions of the EU and its Accession countries in a network structure.

Creative Industries

Activities are carried out to develop Izmir’s creative industries ecosystem and increase its competitiveness.



Create in Izmir Project

The project, which is carried out by Izmir University of Economics and in which our Agency is a partner, aims to establish a Creative Industries Entrepreneurship Center in Izmir.

Click here to access the project website.



The project, which is carried out by the General Directorate of Development Agencies of the Ministry of Industry and Technology and in which our Agency is a partner, aims to create a creative industries strategy for Turkey.

Click here to access the project website.



Accelerate Izmir

In order to support green and blue entrepreneurs, GreenTech Izmir, which has been implemented since 2018, and BlueTech Izmir, which has been implemented since 2021, are being implemented in cooperation with Izmir Institute of Technology and Teknopark Izmir under the Accelerate Izmir brand in 2023.

Women Entrepreneurship

Within the scope of the theme of “Women Entrepreneurship and Women Employment” determined by the General Directorate of Development Agencies of the Ministry of Industry and Technology for the year 2024, it is implemented to support women entrepreneurs operating in the field of architecture and design.

İzmir Games

İzmirli oyun geliştirici ekip ve stüdyolarını güçlendirmek, yerel ve uluslararası pazarlara hazırlamak ve yatırımcılarla buluşturmak üzere İzmir’e özel tasarlanmıştır. Eğitim ve mentörlük süreci sonunda girişimcilerinin başta oyun geliştirme, yayınlama ve pazarlama olmak üzere farklı alanlardaki kapasitelerinde artış hedeflenmektedir.


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