We aim to increase the competitiveness of Izmir’s ports on a regional, national and global scale by focusing on maritime transport and port services in order for Izmir, a port-city, to benefit from blue growth opportunities to the maximum extent within the protection-utilisation balance of marine areas, and to increase the sustainable growth of other blue economy sectors, especially aquaculture.
It has been prepared in order to analyse the current situation of the ports in the region and to reveal what needs to be done for Izmir ports in the coming period within the framework of global, national and regional developments.
It has been prepared in order to examine the existing transport and logistics problems in the back region of Aliağa ports and to develop solutions for these problems.
In order to strengthen the relationship between the Izmir Regional Plan and spatial planning practices, to increase the spatial planning capacity of local governments and to support spatial planning practices with scientific studies, activities are carried out in cooperation with relevant institutions and organisations, especially universities.
Within the scope of the study, which deals with the northern development axis of Izmir, centred on Aliağa, Bergama, Kınık and Dikili districts, the current development dynamics in the region are examined together with critical issues such as transportation, logistics, population, urbanisation, housing, labour force and the use of natural resources. KUZİP, which is envisaged to guide the spatial planning studies to be carried out in North Izmir, is planned to be completed in the first quarter of 2025.
In order to increase the competitiveness of the port cluster of Izmir as a port-city, coordination activities are carried out among local actors and it is aimed to disseminate the culture of working in a cluster.