Twelfth Development Plan Approved by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Published in the Official Gazette

Twelfth Development Plan Approved by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Published in the Official Gazette

The Twelfth Development Plan, which is a holistic roadmap for the realisation of our country’s sustainable and inclusive growth target in the 100th anniversary of our Republic, was adopted by the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT) and entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette.

The Twelfth Development Plan, covering the period 2024-2028, defines the policy framework that our country needs in every field from stable growth to green and digital transformation, from social structure to disaster resistance, from sustainable environment to good governance. The steps to be taken in line with the Twelfth Development Plan, which also guides the Regional Plans for the 2024-2028 period prepared by development agencies at the local level, will carry our country further on the path of social and economic development.

The Twelfth Development Plan is available here.