“On the 100th Anniversary of the Republic: A City Shaped by the Republic: Izmir” Exhibition

“On the 100th Anniversary of the Republic: A City Shaped by the Republic: Izmir” Exhibition

Our work which began with the İzmir Development Agency’s Culture Publications has enabled us to better understand İzmir and the regional development efforts we are undertaking. This delightful journey which has exceeded five years has been crowned with the exhibition we prepared to honor the 100th anniversary of our Republic: “A City Shaped by the Republic: İzmir in the 100th Year of the Republic.”

You can access the ceremony and interviews conducted on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition whose story selection, and curation were undertaken by our Agency’s Culture Affairs Working Group and which is hosted by the Bruno Taut Hall of the İzmir History and Art Museum through the link .

We invite all İzmir residents to the exhibition “A City Shaped by the Republic: İzmir in the 100th Year of the Republic” which appeals to İzmir residents of all ages.