İzmir Time Machine Project at Heritage İstanbul

İzmir Time Machine Project at Heritage İstanbul

The İzmir Development Agency is participating in the International Conservation, Restoration, Archaeology, Museology, and Librarianship Fair and Conference, Heritage İstanbul, with the İzmir Time Machine Project, aiming to promote the cultural and historical richness of our country to the national and international agenda, ensure the preservation of cultural assets and pass them on to future generations.

Taking place from May 15th to 17th, 2024, the fair and conference will offer visitors the opportunity to experience and showcase the project through the İzmir Time Machine stand. In the conference section of the event Dr. Mehmet YAVUZ the Secretary General of İzmir Development Agency will deliver a presentation titled “A Bridge Between History, City and Technology: The İzmir Time Machine.”

📅 May 15-17, 2024

Click for details.