Blue Growth

Prioritizing the protection of İzmir’s “blue resources”, we are improving its economic and social values.

Within the framework of the United Nations’ ‘Sustainable Development Goals’, we focus on protecting our seas and blue resources for future generations, and benefiting from the seas in a way that will strengthen economic and social development by supporting “aquatic life”.


İzmir is a port city located in the Eastern Mediterranean, with a coastline of 629 km. While taking maritime transportation and port services to the center of blue growth in our region, we aim to increase the contribution of these sectors to the city economy and to reinforce the position and power of İzmir ports in the Mediterranean freight and passenger traffic. Fishing and marine life, ship-recycling, coastal tourism, blue startups, blue energy, blue investments and maritime protection, form the blue economy pattern in İzmir. We have adopted an understanding that reduces environmental risks and ecological shortages, develops sustainable options to utilize coastal potential, and ensures the participation of affected social groups and sectors in these processes. Thus, we aim to create a development story that increases positive externalities on the basis of blue growth in İzmir.

An Outlook to Our Works in Blue Growth

We carry out studies in specific areas to reveal and release İzmir’s potential in blue growth.

Our works are concentrated on fields such as strengthening ports and marine industry, more value producing ship recycling, diversified coastal tourism, boosting blue investments, blue startups and blue energy, transformation of port-backyard with creative industries.

Strengthening Ports and Marine Industry

Current Situation Analysis and Development Perspective of the Ports of İzmir

İzmir is a five thousand years old port city. The city accommodates 16 ports in different sizes. In 2020, ports of İzmir handled 16% of total cargo in the country. The perspective study brings a regional outlook to ports of İzmir and aims to define the relevant common goals and achievements. Based on a wide range of data, it examines the issue in terms of global trends and future projections of Türkiye’s foreign trade. The report covers suggestions on how İzmir ports can be positioned in the context of an opportunity analysis. The scenarios of the report involve Revival of the TCDD Port of İzmir, Strengthening the Ports of Aliağa, Wind Power Specialization of the Port of Çandarlı and Establishment of the İzmir Port Authority.


Aliağa Ports Hinterland Analysis
Aliağa is a northern district of İzmir that functions as a very important industrial center. The country-level petroleum, chemistry, iron and steel industry have taken place since 1980s. By the time, the industrial plants built their own ports for raw materials and products. Today, Aliağa is a separate port region with its 12 ports, especially functioning for import. Aliağa Ports Hinterland Analysis and Simulation Study aims to reinforce this port region’s rail and motorway logistics infrastructure and increasing the storage facilities. Results and analysis are being carried out to provide technical and well-received solutions.


Kemalpaşa Logistics Center Feasibility Analysis
Kemalpaşa Logistics Center is a regional investment which is essential for the development for the ports and logistics ecosystem in İzmir. It is planned to build on a 1,3 million square meters area next to the Kemalpaşa Organized Industrial Zone. The center is connected with the highway and railway, and planned to be a hub for the cargoes of the entire Aegean Region. Kemalpaşa Logistics Center Feasibility Analysis is being carried out to build a technical and financial perspective for this investment.

More Value Producing Ship Recycling

İzmir Aliağa Ship Recycling Sector Analysis
Ship recycling activity is located in Aliağa district in Türkiye. 22 ship recycling plants, 9 of which are in the EU list, have an annual capacity of 1.5 million tons of steel processing. The sector is critical for regional employment and development of iron and steel production in the region. Also depending on the Covid-19 epidemic, there has been a serious increase in ship owner’s demand to recycle their ships. The sector analysis examines the current situation, infrastructure, basic operation processes, risks and issues that need to be improved in Aliağa. Based on secondary data analysis, analysis of primary data obtained from sectoral interviews, and stakeholder meetings, sustainable strategic steps sign out areas open to improvement in the sector are revealed. İzmir Aliağa Ship Recycling Sector Analysis sheds light on the policies for the development of the sector and feed the base for the better, more efficient and sustainable ship recycling. For the full report, click here.

Diversified Coastal Tourism

Underwater Cultural Heritage Inventory of İzmir

İzmir has an enormous coastal line of 629 kilometers. The coastal area provides opportunities of different tourism activities. Also, İzmir is considered to be the richest region of the Aegean and the Mediterranean in terms of underwater archeology. In order to shed light on the marine history of İzmir and increase the potential diving tourism, Underwater Cultural Heritage Inventory of İzmir is created in 2021. With the Inventory, photographs of the finds were provided and sunken areas were mapped with three-dimensional visualization. Besides, suggestions were developed to bring these assets to underwater cultural tourism, to protect and exhibit them on site.
The findings and data will help to form the basis for the establishment of a “Naval War History Museum” in Izmir, which fill form the basis for the relevant works in 2022 and 2023.


Monitoring and Evaluation Studies of İzmir Tourism Strategy and Action Plan

İzmir Tourism Strategy and Action Plan (2020-2024) was prepared with the aim of supporting long-term tourism policies in İzmir, strengthening the cooperation between different tourism bodies and unifying the promotional policies of different institutions. Monitoring and evaluation studies are being carried out by our Agency. In 2021, a specific monitoring and measurement model designed to evaluate the impact of the goals and objectives set in the Izmir Tourism Strategy on the city’s economy.

Impact assessment is finished in 2023 and released as a separate report. İzmir Tourism Strategy and Action Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Report was prepared to reveal the progress in Izmir tourism and to guide practitioners and decision makers in the light of concrete data.

Boosting Blue Startups, Blue Energy and Blue Investments

BlueTech İzmir
BlueTech İzmir is an accelerator program to strengthen blue startups in İzmir. It brings startups and corporate entities together to increase collaboration and market opportunities. The Program is started in 2021 and organized in selected fields of marine technologies. 12 startups selected among 25 applicant startups included in the 6-week boot camp. On the demo day, 40 institutions, organizations, and investors in total participated and the startups had the opportunity to introduce their products. The program will be organized in the coming years.


Preparing the Region for Off-shore Wind Energy
To invest in off-shore wind energy, an offshore wind modeling is an essential input. The first offshore wind measurements in Türkiye is being carried out in İzmir Türkiye. the study will pave the way for the development of the wind energy equipment production industry, a value-added industry that concentrates on İzmir. A detailed concept project, feasibility, geological survey, and operation model studies is being carried out in order to create a specialized new port infrastructure for supporting the export of wind turbine components and parts as well.


Electric Boat and Yacht Production Pre-Feasibility
İzmir has a strong boat and yacht production sector and the report is prepared to open a path for the technological transformation of this sector, towards the production of electric boats and yachts. The report evaluated the feasibility of such a shipyard in İzmir with economical, technical, financial and environmental and social analysis. It determined the national and international demand, capacity, alternative locations, production technology, and installation costs.


İzmir Eco-Friendly Antifouling Paint Production Pre-Feasibility
Izmir has a strong chemistry and paint industry. This report is prepared to help the industry to transform into the production of more value-added and green products. It determines the feasibility of the investment of eco-friendly antifouling paint production plant in İzmir with its economic, technical, financial, environmental, and social analysis.


İzmir Thermoplastic Composites Manufacturing Plant Investment Pre-Feasibility
During the last few decades, composite materials have replaced the use of traditional materials such as fiberglass, wood, and metals in automotive, defense, and also marine industries. The report was prepared to determine the feasibility of the investment in the Thermoplastic Composites Manufacturing Plant with relevant analysis. The feasibility study was presented for the information and use of investors.

Transformation of Port-Backyard with Creative Industries

Creative Brownfield Transformation in Darağaç and Umurbey Districts:
The Port of Izmir played a key role in the emergence of İzmir as a major center in Mediterranean trade between the 16th and 19th centuries. Dependently, the first signs of industrialization in Izmir in the late 19th century have taken place in Darağaç and Umurbey Districts in city center, which located at the intersection of the port and the railway connection. The original industrial zone was abandoned and the facilities in the area became the industrial heritage of the city over the course of time. The relevant study aims to bring the area into the city life with new functions related with creativity, design and innovation. This brownfield redevelopment study involves the preparation of the concept, detailed financial feasibility and business model of such a development.


Efforts to Strengthen İzmir’s Creative Industries Ecosystem
The main source of these efforts is the “Analysis of Creative Industries in Turkey at NUTS-2 Regions Level: Focus on Izmir” report submitted by IZKA. The study pointed out that, high level of specialization in creative industries of İzmir was observed in the information technologies (ICT), software and computer services industries. Advertising and public relations activities and specialized design services (fashion design, graphic design, industrial design, interior architecture) have been identified as the industries closest to specialization. It is aimed to carry out activities of convergence between the manufacturing industries and the creative industries focusing on design and digitalization.


Analysis of the Creative Industries in Turkey at Nuts-2 Regions Level: Focus on İzmir

Recently, there has been growing interest the creative
industries across the world, for three main reasons:
Firstly, they have high potential for growth. Secondly,
they are closely linked with innovation and prosperity.
Thirdly, they contribute to the international competitiveness
of countries.

Current Situation Analysis and Development Perspective of The Ports Of İzmir

The perspective study includes a regional outlook to

ports of İzmir and aims to define the relevant

common goals and achievements. Based on a wide range

of data, it examines the issue in terms of global trends and

future projections of Türkiye’s foreign trade.



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