The BEST For Energy (Boosting Effective and Sustainable Transformation for Energy) Project, financed by the Izmir Development Agency in partnership with the Energy Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (ENSIA) within the framework of the financial cooperation of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and implemented within the scope of the Competitive Sectors Program carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, was completed as of June.

In and around Izmir, many successful studies were carried out during the 3-year implementation period of the project, which was realized with the aim of developing a highly competitive cluster in the service sector with equipment and technology production in the field of clean energy and clean technologies. Focusing on the wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and green hydrogen sub-sectors, the project carried out many analysis, ecosystem development, promotion and internationalization activities. Comprehensive training and consultancy activities were carried out in order to increase the competitiveness of the companies and to train the qualified human resources needed by the sector. We would like to thank all our stakeholders who contributed to the success of the BEST For Energy Project, which pioneered the formation of a competitive cluster in the field of clean energy and clean technologies. The sustainability of the activities implemented within the scope of the BEST For Energy Project will be effectively ensured by the project implementers Izmir Development Agency and the Association of Energy Industrialists and Businessmen (ENSIA) together with sectoral stakeholders. For the follow-up of these studies, you can follow the website and social media accounts of the project.