Inspiring Actors of the Gaming Industry Came Together at the Start in Izmir Online Workshop!

Inspiring Actors of the Gaming Industry Came Together at the Start in Izmir Online Workshop!

The first of our online events series, “Start in İzmir Vol. 1: Gaming Sector in Izmir”, brought together successful entrepreneurs from the gaming industry and online participants connecting from all over Türkiye last week.

In the first part of the meeting, successful gaming entrepreneurs shared their experiences with the audience mostly comprising of students and fresh entrepreneurs, providing them with invaluable guiding advice. Rudi Diriman, Business Development Manager of Masomo Games, which came into spotlight with the game “Head Ball” ranking at the top of the world lists last year, shared the details of their inspirational success story originating from İzmir, while Ruby Games executive Gökhan Sipahi talked about the unique opportunities İzmir offers to new gaming entrepreneurs.

Starting off with the question “Where to begin?”, Tiplay Studio co-founder Umut Ermeç emphasized the significance of determining a creativity-oriented road map, while Doruk Demirsar, founder of Next in Game, underlined the importance of network activities in the gaming industry. Aykut Baştürk, Business Development Team Leader at the Istanbul office of AdColony, a US-based mobile advertising and marketing company operating in İstanbul, talked about advertising and marketing tactics in games.

Participants, who were grouped in different rooms during the workshop part of the event, attended a brainstorming session where they collaborated to come up with project suggestions for the development of the sector in İzmir. Project suggestions put forward by the groups will provide valuable input for our Agency’s future works on the subject.