First Cooperation in RÜZMER Project

First Cooperation in RÜZMER Project

The Wind Energy Meteorology and Environmental Test and Analysis Center (RÜZMER) project, which is supported by the İzmir Development Agency as a guided project, has started to bear fruit with the cooperation protocol signed between İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and Turkish Wind Energy Association (TÜREB).

The protocol aims to carry out wind measurements, oceanographic engineering studies and studies on the preliminary stages of project development for the offshore YEKA region selected in Mersin Taşucu region in cooperation with İYTE RÜZMER and TÜREB.

RÜZMER, which enables the tests and analyzes required for the production of high technology for the wind energy sector to be carried out in İzmir with domestic and national resources, is one of the most important projects supported by the İzmir Development Agency in terms of reducing our country’s foreign dependence in this sector and increasing the competitiveness of the sector by preventing cost and time losses.