Turning Waste Into Resource Through Industrial Symbiosis

Turning Waste Into Resource Through Industrial Symbiosis

Our Agency, in focusing on Blue Growth and Green Growth with the aim of sustainable development between 2020 and 2022, and in aiming to increase awareness about “Industrial Symbiosis,” which it sees as a key tool for resource efficiency in companies operating in Izmir, launched an Industrial Symbiosis Capacity Development Information Seminar.

We the way for all kinds of resources (especially waste, by-products, and energy exchange) to be effectively used, and aim to bring industrial symbiosis—which supports keeping the negative impact of businesses on the environment in exchange for mutual benefits—to Izmir’s agenda. In doing so, we have implemented a program aimed at better promoting the fundamentals of that.

Carried out in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the first day of the seminar introduced what opportunities were available to businesses alongside the economic, environmental, and social benefits that industrial symbiosis programs—which represent transforming waste to raw materials—offer. The second day delved into examples of where such programs have been successfully implemented. Stakeholders were also sought out with the aim of creating a road map for Izmir to follow. The outcomes of the seminar will prove an important source of input for us to establish and operate a Sustainable Production Centre.