İzmir Listed As One Of The Best And The Brightest Investment Destinations Across Europe By FDI-Intellıgence

İzmir Listed As One Of The Best And The Brightest Investment Destinations Across Europe By FDI-Intellıgence

fDi Intelligence, the world’s most respected research organization on Foreign Direct Investment, has named İzmir as one of the most attractive European locations for investment in the future.

In the “European Cities and Regions of the Future 2025” research published by fDi Intelligence, İzmir ranked among the top 10 major cities and regions in Europe in the categories of Foreign Direct Investment Strategy and Cost Effectiveness.

İzmir Development Agency’s FDI strategy focused on the clean energy-clean technologies and software-information technologies sectors has enabled Izmir to be among the 10 major cities with the best FDI strategy. In another category of the survey, “Cost Effectiveness”, İzmir ranked 2nd on a large regional scale.

The Investment Support Office within the İzmir Development Agency promotes İzmir’s investment environment with its “Invest in İzmir” corporate identity and provides guidance to investors wishing to invest in İzmir. It aims to attract high-tech and value-added investments to İzmir by evaluating İzmir’s strong multi-sectoral economic structure and developed investment infrastructure.